Dr Fyans worked as a medical practitioner for many years, as an ‘integrative’ general practitioner for most of that time. She has now retired from medical practice. She has also trained in other health care disciplines, including kinesiology, and a form of trauma therapy (TRTP - The Richards Trauma process).
She has a long-standing interest in ‘mind-body’ medicine, or what she prefers to call ‘conscious health’. She is particularly interested in the role of the subconscious mind, as relates to unresolved childhood trauma, on physical and psychological health. She believes that dealing with these areas, beyond symptom control, is where real healing takes place.
Having worked with people in a therapeutic setting for many years, she is a keen observer of human nature and is intrigued by the many influences on our personal and collective wounding.
She believes that the way we structure and practice health care is intimately related to the understandings, beliefs and values of our society and that change must happen at that level to positively influence current health care paradigms.
Catherine is a keen writer and the author of ‘The Wounding of Health Care – From Fragmentation to Integration’.
Her alter ego is enthusiastic hobby artist of bright, splashy abstracts - which allows her to get ‘out of her mind’ and into her creative vibe.