Remember Who We Are
If anyone doubts how easily and innocently people can be programmed see how, in just a few short months, pretty much the whole world population has adopted very significant changes to their lifestyles, attitudes, beliefs and mind-sets.
We really need to step back a little from the programming to objectively see it; otherwise, we are like a fish that does not notice the water that it is immersed in.
In a few short months we have collectively become scared, cowering, obedient, suspicious, avoidant, obsequiously confined to our homes and separated from each other, devoid of social gatherings and outlets and fearfully masked, gloved and swimming in disinfectant.
We have incorporated, as normal, behaviors such as looking through the curtains and dobbing in neighbors, scorning at each other as though we are mass murderers if we accidentally breach the 1.5m rule or not wear a mask, shrinking away from each other and exchanging glances of fear and suspicion rather than warmth and inclusion.
Platitudes and terms such as ‘just do the right thing!’ (whatever that means!), ‘social distancing’, ‘stay safe!’ and ‘for the greater good!’ have become the new and unquestioned lexicon of our species.
‘Goodism’ is having a field day.
I wonder how all this is affecting young children as, because their brain waves are predominantly in hypnosis-like theta or delta frequencies, they directly absorb into their subconscious minds any impressions they are exposed to. Time will tell.
Many people angrily and ignorantly object to any reasonable scientific voice or data that questions the popular narrative that is being continuously and unrelentingly drip-fed to us by the mainstream media. Most prefer to passively absorb that information rather than open their minds, let in a hint of inquiry and do their own research. Some respond aggressively to those who are trying to quell the alarm by offering opinions and facts contrary to some of the misinformation being propagated.
Some have become so addicted to fear and drama and obsessed with numbers and charts, that they cannot see that most ‘cases’ are perfectly healthy asymptomatic carriers. They support the unprecedented, fervent push for mass testing of the mainly healthy population, believing that this will ensure their safety (as though they might be handed a cure for a positive test) when, in fact, it is gathering more apparent justification to apply even stricter sanctions and lock-downs for longer periods of time.
The majority of people have had their amygdalae set off, which puts them in the fight or flight survival mode, causing them to lose rational thinking and not see any evidence that counters the fear agenda. Some become extremely confronted by any questioning of the rules and sanctions that they believe are keeping them safe. Easier just to obey.
Many value the illusion of safety and ‘survival at any cost’ over freedom and are very willing to hand over their personal liberties and sovereignty to those in positions of power (positions of ‘force’ is a more accurate term), not realizing that the trade off is for them to potentially be utterly controlled.
Life has always been risky.
They ignore the fact that sustained fear, feeling disempowered, separation from community and not being ‘allowed’ to enjoy normal activities like going to the gym or dining out is actually adversely affecting their immune systems - and thus increasing their susceptibility to getting an infection and developing diseases of all kinds. Not to mention the significantly diminished quality of life.
Many believe that their safety depends only upon physical barriers as a means of protection from a microbe, rather than needing to attend to their own internal milieu - mind, body and spirit - which is really what makes them susceptible, or not, to any infection.
‘Germ theory’ is having a field day.
They will not acknowledge that there was virtually no reaction to the relatively much higher (over 900 in Australia) influenza related deaths last year, compared to the near-hysterical reaction we are seeing currently, nor that other infectious diseases, heart disease, diabetes and cancer far out-run this maligned little virus in causing morbidity and mortality world-wide.
They will not see, or will turn away from, the enormous social and economic upheaval, mental health issues, suicide, disempowerment and poverty that will potentially be the legacy of – not the virus – but our collective reaction to it. They do not seem to understand that these adverse outcomes might be unfolding for many years, if not generations, to come.
By being so pre-occupied with their own narcissistic and neurotic survival objectives, they are ignoring blatant and horrific human rights violations that are being revealed and corruption of the highest order going on in their own back yards.
Don’t look away.
Many people cling to being card-carrying members of the ‘civilized moderate majority’ and dare not rock the boat by making any comments contrary to the consensus narrative – for the sake of upholding their images, reputations and, more than likely, their incomes.
The average decent, trusting person just cannot take in some of the very uncomfortable truths that are currently being revealed as it creates enormous cognitive dissonance and can indeed be crazy making. We all, at times, look away to avoid seeing what might be deeply distressing to us. We prefer to believe that everything is ticking along nicely and that all authorities and those in positions of power have our best interests at heart. But that is La-la land.
Then there are those who spiritually bypass and wax lyrically about keeping their focus on love and light, while not daring to engage anything messy or confronting, and asserting that ‘all is well’. All is not well. Far from it. Any more pretty pictures on social media to pretend that this is not happening or that you are above it all? And you know that I am not just referring to the ‘pandemic’.
We need to first recognize the problems before we can change them.
We need to act out of love rather than fear, recognize that there is still great beauty in the world and in our fellow human beings, acknowledge the ways in which we are bonding together and helping each other and that some authority groups are indeed supporting the populace. All while holding a high vibration (as best we can) and setting our sights on a positive outcome for humanity.
Our task is to navigate the delicate balancing act between acknowledging some very uncomfortable truths while holding the highest vision; tolerating divergent opinions while calling out what we need to call out; doing the inner work and processing our emotions while being ‘non-resistant’; allowing our heart-break while trusting that humanity is getting a decent shake-up in order to help it evolve; and grieving our lost ways of being while creating the new. Not an easy gig! Luckily we are tough.
I am reassured that our basic nature is gutsy, determined, adventurous, courageous, joyous, loving and spirited. We have just been programmed and trained away from that. For a very long time. We have forgotten who we are. Time to strip away that programming and take our power back.
Be open and aware and look beyond the smoke-screens. Don’t be like the frog in the boiling water that does not notice the heat rising until it is too late. We are very near boiling point.
Remember who you are and your power to create a much better outcome, and pull that curtain away from the Wizard of Oz.
Old ways and institutions that do not serve us need to die to make way for the new - but be very careful of what new you agree to - because there might be no turning back.
Oh, and please do the right thing!
Dr Catherine Fyans is a holistic medical practitioner/conscious health facilitator and the author of The Wounding of Health Care: From Fragmentation to Integration