Medical Apartheid
The other day I visited my favourite café. I was a regular customer there all through the ‘pandemic’, to date. The owners and I got along well. I was a regular. But this time it was different; I was refused service because of not having that certain tick on a certain app on my phone. Nice people. They were just following the rules. They were very generous as they offered me take-away that I was allowed to eat sitting on the curb of the nearby road. But not too close to the outside tables thank you.
Same with my gym or, I should say, my ex-gym, where I had been a member and regular attender for over 25 years. Also run by nice people who appeared to be very aware of what was happening on the larger scale; but they could not take the risk with me because of my ‘status’. Covid cops and all that. Just following the rules. You understand.
Suddenly I was relegated to the land of the unclean, disease-spreading untouchables.
Medical apartheid is here, ushered in by the medical tyranny that has been raging on our shores, and in the wider world, for the last couple of years.
The formula is quite simple. You terrorise the population, to the extent that they cannot think straight and therefore bypass any rational thought and common sense, then you offer them the ‘solution’ – the hallowed magic bullet to allay all their fears - and then you coerce, blackmail, scape-goat, marginalise and try to break the spirit of those who resist. Working like a charm!
How convenient to scape-goat and marginalise conscientious objectors; to make them the target of the masses’ unmanaged fears and unfounded hysteria rather than question those who continue to spew out the propaganda that gets more irrational and bizarre by the day. We give power to those who appear to have power over us.
You would think, with this fervent, frenetic roll-out that is sweeping up most in its wake, that the fear would lessen, but notice how it is actually increasing in many people, despite most now being ‘double-jabbed’ and regardless of any good science on the matter. Not to mention good old common sense, which seems to have long ago been thrown out the window. Brain washing is an interesting thing.
Platitudes such as ‘It’s for the greater good!’ are a thin cover for ‘Really it is I who is scared and want everyone else to follow ridiculous, unproven rules so that I feel safe.’ Or, ‘I don’t want to risk an (unlawful) fine’. Survival fear is a narcissistic state and really not so concerned about anyone else. It’s not really about grandmothers being protected at all.
The mind is powerful and in being so it can be markedly manipulated by the unscrupulous. It is the thought of the virus, not the actual reality, that has brought the world to its knees.
The fact that the coerced, experimental medical intervention has not even shown to prevent catching or transmitting the virus is a small point that officialdom seems to conveniently overlook. Some might reasonably ask - is all this about community health? Or, about social control and the promulgation of division within our communities?
And, how about we get rid of the myth that anyone gives anyone else an infection or illness and replace it with the understanding that health really is an inside job and that this is the area that we particularly need to focus on. Easier to project out and blame rather than attend within.
For those who are supporting medical apartheid by ‘just following the rules’ and blindly obeying these unconscionable directives, and no matter how innocent and law-abiding you think you are, you just might be contributing to the unfolding of the most insidious crimes against humanity. It is not just about cafes and gyms. More so, people are suffering greatly as they are losing their jobs and wondering how to pay their mortgages and feed their families - or, they are reluctantly complying to what they never normally would.
Bad situations always bring potential gifts; those nuggets amongst the dross that we sometimes have to dig deep to unearth. With all of this I have had a tiny taste of what so many people have had to endure through-out the ages; the prejudices and persecution that our fellow human beings have suffered, particularly in our homeland of Australia. A tiny taste of being caste out for absolutely no rational reason but to appease the unbridled fears and self-concerns of the populace.
We cannot change what do not see, acknowledge and feel. The sharing of the myriad of human experiences will hopefully eventually result in empathy and compassion for our fellow humans. Obviously, we have a little way yet to go.
So, if you wondered which side you would have been on during some atrocious crimes that have been committed against humanity through-out the ages – now you might have a hint. Easy to just turn the other way and just pretend that it is not happening.
I just hope that for those now privileged people, sipping on their lattes in these apartheid supporting establishments, the trade-off is worth it for them; for they have traded much, including their basic humanity.
How about we respect your choices and you respect ours and we meet somewhere in the middle, for division of our communities will benefit no-one.
Dr Catherine Fyans is the author of ‘The Wounding of Health Care: From Fragmentation to Integration’